Thursday, October 31, 2019
Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Evaluation - Essay Example He also furthered his review by comparing this film with other works by the same director and by questioning the chemistry between the director and the screenwriter. The review was incredibly thorough and it covered a lot of aspects that many moviegoers would not pay attention to, such as the clashing of the director with the screenwriter. However, these are still vital in understanding why someone did or did not like a movie. The writer of the review is a good writer and was very excellent in his details. He did not leave a single thing out in his review and, as previously mentioned, even included behind-the-scenes details that most people do not notice. The writer was also right in his review. The review was not a simple one that stated that he did or did not like the movie, but was a lengthy, well-considered piece. His reasons for disliking the piece are true. The film lacked many aspects that could have made it even better. Furthermore, the writer actually gave reasons as to why he did not like, instead of just skirting around the fact that it was a bad movie. I agree with what the writer had to say, and it would be hard not to agree with th e honesty and detail that went into writing the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Could the south have won the civil war If so how, if not then why not Essay
Could the south have won the civil war If so how, if not then why not - Essay Example The north had a largely urbanised background with flourishing industrial capabilities. Rapid technological developments were shaping how things had been done for centuries. The railroad was expanding westwards and liberty was in the air. Large manufacturing concerns were being established. Management was evolving to promote efficiency and innovation. Furthermore, a class of individuals was emerging that were to become the modern American middle class. These groups were ardent political supporters of anti slavery drives though their numbers were as yet not very significant. On the other hand, the south was predominantly agricultural. Farm labour consisted of slaves whose ancestors had been imported from Africa. Conservatism was rampant and white supremacy was considered as an ultimate truth. Capital was abundant too as the large farmers had no one to share profits with. Cotton was the mainstay of the southern economy. It was exported to cotton mills in Europe and in the north. Militar y tradition was more rampant in the south than in the north. Boys were taught how to ride and shoot at an early age given the agrarian society’s feuds. The war began as the south gathered its army and invaded Fort Sumter in South Carolina. Then President Abraham Lincoln urged northern states to assemble a volunteer army to deal with the situation. This caused another four states to drift over into the southern camp. The south’s position was strengthened at this point in the war. If the south had wanted to make major strides in the war, it ought to have been better planned and organised than it was. The attack of the Confederate army on Fort Sumter caught the north off guard. The south could have achieved major victories if it invaded with a larger army that engaged more targets simultaneously. This would have helped the south in causing panic and confusion in the ranks of the north. The overwhelming display of power may even have led to more accessions by Union states. Furthermore, the organised all out attack would have sent the Union running and figuring out what to do next. However, what happened on ground was entirely different. The Confederacy’s attack on Fort Sumter served as a rallying point for the northern states. It alerted them to the danger posed by the South. The Union was both proactive and swift in its reaction. An army of volunteers was assembled on ground while a naval blockade was imposed. The Union’s land armies could not achieve victories in the beginning. The level of organisation and the equipment used were not up to the mark. However, the naval blockade served as a double edged sword. On the one hand, the export of cotton virtually ended and on the other hand imports could not be brought in to reinforce the Confederate army’s stock. As mentioned earlier, cotton was the mainstay of the southern economy. Loss of cotton exports meant that revenue generation suffered gravely in the south. The naval blockade also had another profound effect. Foreign intervention was discouraged from taking any real part given the naval blockade. Foreign intervention could only be possible if the naval blockade was removed and foreign troops and supplies could flow into the south. No external power was ready or willing to support the South’s cause by direct military involvement. Another notable issue is the way in which this war was conducted on either side. Initially the south was very aggressive. It
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Religion Essays Buddhism in the West
Religion Essays Buddhism in the West There are multitudinous challenges faced by the contemporary Buddhist, not the least of which includes the fact that he is contemporary in the first place. For, the contemporary world is overcome by numerous characteristics, which arealtogether incommensurate with Buddhism. The world of today, insofar as it has been industrialized and further digitized, is one of runaway technology, sound bites, and ubiquitously sought-after shortcuts to everything. The meditative and contemplative nature of Buddhism is rather at odds with the fast-paced West. However, it could not be said that this is the only, nor even the primary, challenge to contemporary Buddhism. There is also a strong sense of its minority nature in the West. TWO UNFORTUNATE OUTCOMES OF THE FAST-PACED WORLD The Anti-Contemplative Nature of the Fast-Paced World Thetraditions of contemplation/meditation in Buddhism are very basic to thereligion itself. When meditation occurs, contemplation seems to go with alongwith it. Meditation is that instrument which allows a Buddhist to withdrawfrom the ceaseless stream of relentless memories, daydreams, fears, andfantasies, (Jeffery Paine, Re-Enchantment, 132). In other words,meditation takes one out of those events and things (such as memories) whichare inextricably bound up in the world of suffering (i.e., of dukkha).But, upon this withdrawal from the world, one is able to engage in a type ofcontemplation, which can be conceived as the ability to perceive things asthey are in themselves. That is, there is a distinction between reality asit is (which an enlightened person can see) and reality as it seems to us(which is how those who are still in the endless cycle of rebirth, known as samsara,see things).It is the very goal of Buddhism to see things as they are. This is precisely inwhat enlightenment of a Buddha consists. The seeing of the whole of realityas it is is the very moment of enlightenment, the very moment of attainingBuddhahood. Therefore, the fast-paced world being not at all amenable to theslow nature of meditation/contemplation shows its inability to mesh withBuddhism. The Necessity of Samsara in a Fast-Paced World In hisconcluding thoughts on Buddhism in the West, religion scholar Roger Corlesstakes note of the intrinsically samsaric nature of a fast-paced world. The industrialized anddigitized world is one of addiction. This is one thing that characterizes itmost truly. People especially in these types of countries are addicted to allmanner of things sought to provide a quick fix a way out of the misery ofsamsara. Whether the addiction is toward greed for money, toward lust, drugs,alcohol, or even to psychotherapy, it makes no fundamental difference. In animportant way, one should see that Buddhism itself teaches that staying insamsara is like being in an addiction. Corless states, For Buddhism, it issamsara itself that is the basic drug, and addiction to samsara is the basicaddiction, (Vision of Buddhism, 81-2). Inasmuch as the contemporaryworld is overrun by various addictions to all manner of things which merelyhelp one cope with the reality of the harshness of samsara, to that extent itr emains at odds with the fundamental goal of Buddhism, which is release fromall addition-release from samsara itself. CHALLENGES ASSOCIATED WITH A MINORITY POSITION IN THE WEST Trying to Advance or Defend Buddhism in the Theistic West Therecould be no used denying or downplaying the overall theistic nature of theWest. Whereas Zoroastrianism is a theistic religion of the East, which seemsnot to have had a very lasting effect (R.C. Zaehner, Encyclopedia of theWorlds Religions, 200), contrariwise, the there have been three greattheistic religions of the West, and they have all thrived. The most basic ofthe three, Judaism, has thrived amidst enormous difficulties (e.g., by being,like Zoroastrianism, in its origin a national religion). It has notthrived in the sense of vast numbers of converts throughout the ages. Rather,it has endured through the ages and its own several dispersions from theland originally inhabited by the people, and today it has tens of millions ofadherents throughout the world. Christianity, especially the ancientChristianity of Catholicism and Orthodoxy, has thrived in all manner of ways,including vast amounts of converts ever since its very modest beginnings. Todayit remains the largest religion of the world and has a strong foothold in bothWest and East. Moreover, a distinctive characteristic of historicChristianityis its own self-understanding as the completion or fulfillment of Judaism. Islam,being the last of the three great theistic religions, has mirrored much ofChristianitys success in terms of size and growth through the centuries, eventhough it has no such self-understanding.Though its Western influence has not been quite as strong as that of theoverall Judeo-Christian underpinnings of many Western European and North/SouthAmerican countries, it nevertheless has become today a religion that gives afurther bolstering effect to the already strong sense of theism in the West. Sincewe are using this term theism so much, it might prove useful to give aworking definition of it. Two American scholars in a general critique of allthings pantheistic (including Zen Buddhism) offer in their glossary thefollowing as a definition of theism: belief in one infinite, eternal, andpersonal God who as Creator is distinct from but rules over creation; distinctfrom atheism, deism, pantheism, and polytheism, (Apologeticsin the New Age, 242). It is true that all three major theistic religions ofthe West would equally assent to this definition as a working one with regardto their respective religions. That is, it is adequate as a definition of Godin Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Buddhism, by stark contrast, could not atall be said to be theistic. In Buddhism, there is no belief in one, infinite,and personal God who exists, with reference to everything outside of himself,as Creator of it all. Buddhism would probably be best described as eitherstrictly atheistic, pantheistic , or perhaps provisionally polytheistic. Finite gods,known as devas and asuras, are said to exist in various branches ofBuddhism (Roger Corless, Vision of Buddhism, 142), hence itsprovisionally polytheistic nature. However, it seems that these days, giventhat the atheism of the West is nearly always linked in with the scientisticmaterialism of it, one could see how in this situation, a Buddhist woulddistance himself from atheism. The New Age Stigma in America AlanWatts, Marilyn Ferguson, and Harvey Cox have each, though in very differentways, been indicating that ever since at least the 1960s the West has beenturning toward the East.However, since many of those who first were the largest advocates of such a recentturning Eastward were of quite varying faiths themselves and/or wereprogressives in their understanding of the development of religion, all the great faiths of theancient East somehow were combined with the contemporary thoughts of thesepopularizers of Eastern thought and what was born was the New Age. Various media advocates ofEastern thought (e.g., George Lucas of Star Wars and George Harrison of theBeatles) also helped to usher in the New Age movement by lending popularsupport to it and a widespread familiarity with it. Theproblem for Buddhism in this cultural climate is to distinguish itself from NewAge as an overarching umbrella under which it goes. Buddhism faces the acutechallenge of distancing itself from that which first brought it recently and enmasse to the West.Buddhism in America, for example, has no intrinsic core, and it is thus relianton falling into one or another foreign tradition of Buddhism in order forBuddhists to find expressions of their practice. This, perhaps, only tends toobscure in the publics mind just what is Buddhism. There are so manyvariations of American Buddhism imported from so many Eastern countries thatthe tendency is to simplify them all and place them under an Eastern or NewAge heading, just to roughly categorize them. Buddhism thus has a dualchallenge in many countries in the West in which it is still relatively new. Ithas to define itself relative to the culture in which it finds itself, and itfurther has to distinguish itself from any generically Eastern religi oussystem. Reincarnation: a Hard Sell to Some Relatedto the Western propensity to simplify things is the doctrine of continuation insamsara, as either reincarnation or rebirth. First, a brief note on the commonWestern view of the soul is in order. Two corollaries of theism (which again,is firmly entrenched in the West) are the ideas that every human person has asubstantial soul and there is a permanent afterlife awaiting everysubstantial soul, whether an afterlife for the good (e.g., Heaven) or one forthe evil (e.g., Hell). Within such a framework, therefore, reincarnation (whichis the re-birth of an individual soul) does not sit well. In fact, likeBuddhisms inherent non-theism, there is an incommensurability here too. Therecan be no resolution between the theistic idea of one life to live and theBuddhistic/Hinduistic idea of everlasting lives to live. As Scheck andGorgens note, It is important for every Western novice to remember thisfundamental difference: The West has always sought eternal life, the BuddhistEast, the end of t he cycle of rebirths, (Buddhism, 183). The Idea that a Person Does Not Have a Substantial Soul Relatedly,to suggest that reincarnation occurs is to have an idea of a substantial soulincarnating over and over. At least, this is the view in Hinduism, whichSiddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) inherits. However, it seems that the Buddhaadvocated a slightly different doctrine, perhaps better phrased as rebirththan reincarnation. In rebirth, it is true that births of the same personsare occurring repeatedly over time. However, whereas reincarnation presupposesthe idea of a substantial soul which is incarnated repeatedly, rebirth does notnecessarily presuppose the idea of a substantial soul. In fact, it is likelytrue that Buddhism sees the idea of a substantial and individual soul a beliefwhich is inherently samsaric.That is, to think myself as a separated individual, apart from the whole andbasic nature of reality, is to believe something which is an illusion. However,the idea that one is truly an individual person is an extremely strongWestern belief, whether the Westerner who holds the belief is committed to onetheistic tradition or not. Concluding Thoughts Buddhismof today is faced by many and daunting challenges, and several have beenexplored in this paper. Its minority status is certainly something thancontributes to the challenges, but it also helps to foster a misperception ofits identity with other religious traditions or umbrellas under which Easternthought goes (e.g., New Age). Its challenges to not only consist it this,however. We have also explored the inherently opposed characteristics of muchof the affluent world, whether Western or not. Those countries that areindustrialized and digitized have many quick fixes for the masses to providethem with all manner of temporary relief from the suffering of samsara. Theirony for the Buddhist to explain is that these various devices thought tobring relief are the very things keeping the ones participating in them withinthe bonds of samsara itself. WorksConsulted Amano, J. Yutaka, and Norman Geisler. TheInfiltration of the New Age. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale HousePublishers, 1989. Anderson, Norman. Christianity and WorldReligions: The Challenge of Pluralism. Downers Grove,IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1984. Armstrong, Karen. Buddha. New York:Viking Penguin, 2001. Clark, David, and Norman Geisler. Apologeticsin the New Age: A Christian Critique of Pantheism. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1990. Corless, Roger J. The Vision ofBuddhism: The Space Under the Tree. New York: Paragon House, 1989. Lopez, Donald, ed. A Modern BuddhistBible: Essential Readings from East and West. Boston: BeaconPress, 2002. Ouaki, Fabien, Dalai Lama, and Anne Benson.Imagine All the People: A Conversation with theDalai Lama on Money, Politics, and Life as it Could Be. Boston: WisdomPublications,1999. Paine, Jeffery, ed. Adventures with theBuddha: A Personal Buddhism Reader. New York: Norton,2005. Re-Enchantment: TibetanBuddhism Comes to the West. New York: Norton, 2001. Scheck, Frank, and Manfred Gorgens. Buddhism:An Illustrated Historical Overview. New York:Barrons Educational Series, 1999. Zaehner, R. C., ed. Encyclopedia of theWorlds Religions. New York: Barnes Noble Books, 1997.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Career Research Paper: Army National Guard -- essays research papers
Career Research Paper: Army National Guard      The Army National Guard is a whole new way to serve. It’s all about commitment to help communities in need. It’s solid dedication to the country in war and in peace. They form an elite team that shares similar core values, convictions, and beliefs. To be in the National Guard can mean serving the country part-time, one weekend a month and two weeks a year as most Guard members serve. This is what makes them different from the other branches of the military. Experiences will be gained that would change one’s outlook on life forever. Skills will be learned that will last a lifetime. The Guard is a team that values serving others and being the best; a part-time job with full time benefits.      There’s an opportunity to split up Guard training during the summers between school years. Qualified juniors can attend Basic Training during the summer before senior year and then go on to Advanced Individual Training (AIT) after senior year. The Guard will help build mind and body, and in Basic Training challenges will be conquered to become stronger, faster, and healthier. Overcoming the physical and mental challenges will instill a growing sense of pride. Basic Training is tough going through nine weeks of intense physical and mental conditioning. People discover confidence, self-assurance, and potential for leadership. In graduating Basic Training, becoming a soldier is the revenue in the Army National Guard.      The Army National Guard has a unique dual mission serving both country and community. For over 365 years the citizen-soldiers have come to the aid of their neighbors during times of need. The Guard involves helping communities during natural disasters and civil emergencies. All around the country the National Guard comes to the rescue saving lives, restoring order, and protecting property, as well as being active in local community organizations that improve the quality of life. Many Guard members live, work, and go to school right where they serve. The Guard helps Little League programs, promotes scouting activities, and opens its doors to kids on Armory Days, among countless other programs, providing strong positive role models for the young kids. Calls have been answered to defend America in every war. From the War of Independen... ...ently, and the military police/intelligence which is a great place to start if interests lie in a career with a civilian police dept. Communications is vital along with medical both preparing for jobs of today and tomorrow. For almost every administrative and personnel job in the Army, there is a corresponding job in the civilian workplace. The Army National Guard is a great place to learn a skill, get paid for it, and get ahead.      In conclusion, the experience is the kind of professionalism and pride that make soldiers respected the world over. It’s the experience that singles one out as someone with unique ability and unique qualities. The country depends on the military to fulfill the important mission to protect democracy and keep peace. Excelling as an individual and achieving impossible thoughts are motivating reasons to become a part of the Guard. It’s a way to help reach educational or career goals that are set in life. Take the next step and have it all: adventure, camaraderie, challenge, an extra paycheck, military benefits as well as the satisfaction that comes from serving the country and community; a part-time job with full time benefits.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Achieving Universal Primary Education As A Goal Education Essay
In 1998, the so authorities of Pakistan, accorded full acknowledgment to the cardinal duty of restructuring of instruction system of Pakistan, by denoting the National instruction policy on 27th March 1998. The National Education Policy 1998 was devised with a sight to transform the Pakistani state into an integrated, cohesive entity that can stand up and vie against future challenges by puting one of the chief aims of accomplishing cosmopolitan primary instruction by supplying the maximal chances for free entree to every kid. In 2000, universe leaders from 189 states voted to implement the MDGs.Pakistan was besides one of them. This declaration set eight ends to accomplish the consentaneous ballot to transfuse the Millennium Declaration may propose that the political will to carry through these marks is assuring. The accomplishment of cosmopolitan primary instruction was 2nd end set after eliminating poverty.The mark set under this end was that by 2015 universally kids will be able to finish full class of primary schooling.The indexs to accomplish this mark were completion/survival rate, net registration ratio and literacy rate of 15-24 old ages old work forces and adult females. However, critics of the MDGs are non certain about the likeliness of every state achieving cosmopolitan instruction by 2015. The critics of the MDGs suggest that greater focal point should be placed on the overall advancement instead than the concluding result as the grounds implies that the educational MDGs are non likely to be achieved in most states. By concentrating chiefly on the rates of advancement over clip, ( Sahn, 2003 ) claim the consequences will be more good in supplying encouragement to states, as â€Å" failure to accomplish the ends is non synonymous with failure to accomplish societal advancement †. So, greater attending should be placed on rates of advancement towards finishing these ends instead than the concluding result. As neglecting to accomplish these ends by 2015 does non bespeak a deficiency of betterment in Pakistan, it is more appropriate for policy analysts to concentrate on rates of advancement. Since Pakistan has signed Millennium development declaration, it is confronting major jobs like war on panic, political instability, and temblors 2004 and inundations 2009-10 which hindered its advancement towards these ends. There are so many other factors that are blockading Pakistan in accomplishing its millenary development educational ends. 2.2 Factors that affect the accomplishment of millenary development ends of primary instruction in Pakistan in visible radiation of old research workers and critics. As this paper intends to supply the grounds for critical slowdown and spread in accomplishing primary educational millenary developments ends in Pakistan and how these ends may be achieved, I chose to concentrate on factors which are common and have greater influence on educational advancement and facets that authorities and other educational governments in Pakistan can hold a direct influence over through policy alteration. For the intents of this research, the theoretical account that signifies the determiners of educational advancement are completion endurance rate, female instructors as per centum of entire primary instructors, population aged between 0-14 as per centum of entire population, poorness rate and literacy rate gap.But other variables that are considered and have an impact are net registration ratio, rural population, pupil-teacher ratio, public outgo, gender para index, and non-formal instruction ( deeni madrassas ) , low birth weight babes. The argument that whether educational advancement is more affected by personal back land of pupils ( that includes rural population, poorness rate, public outgo, gender para index ) or school quality factors ( that are pupil teacher ratio, trained instructors, female instructors and non formal instruction ) has been ongoing since the Coleman Report ( Coleman et al. 1966 ) . Coleman et Al. ( 1966 ) found that household background of pupils, that is their parent ‘s socioeconomic position, parent ‘s instruction and businesss are more declarative of pupil ‘s educational advancement than school-level factors. Since the publication of the Coleman Report, research workers have continued to analyze and debate whether quality of instruction or place environment determines pupil ‘s academic accomplishments. Particularly in respect to how national economic development affects which factors are more of import on a planetary graduated table, policy shapers continue to look for which factors may outdo explain educational advancement. In this research, I intend to detect whether economic or educational investing factors best explain advancement towards the educational MDGs in Pakistan. In order to find how Pakistan can utilize its resources most expeditiously, I have used statistical informations for different variables covered under socio economic position of pupils and educational quality and their consequence to cut down literacy spread. Though 70 % of population in Pakistan is still populating in rural countries. But growing in rural countries is traveling towards down and literacy rate is bettering so we can see that societal background of people has high impact on educational advancement. ( DR.P.A.Shami, 2005 ) in their survey on basic instruction in Pakistan raised issues like deficiency of entree to quality instruction in rural countries and unequal distribution of educational resources in rural and urban countries. These issues still prevail in society as a hinderance to accomplishment of MDGs for instruction. The Pakistan has The mean literacy rate of Pakistan is 57 per cent with combination of 69 per cent for males and 45 per cent for females.The literacy rate in urban countries remains much higher than in rural parts of the state, 74 per cent and 48 per cent severally The mean provinicial literacy rate follows as Punjab and Sindh 59 per cent, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ( 50 per cent ) and Balochistan ( 45 per cent ) ( Pakistan Economic Survey, 2009-2010 ) . As I have taken population aged between ( 0-14 ) as per centum of entire population as one of my variables and more than half of population in Pakistan lives in rural countries so it finally effects my determiner. As past research indicates that the effects of educational investing factors or school quality factors which include entire educational outgos and figure of trained instructors for the cosmopolitan registration MDG, pupil-teacher ratio and repeat rate for the cosmopolitan completion MDG, and pupil-teacher ratios and figure of female teachers for the gender para end may change depending on the economic position of a state ( Heyneman & A ; Loxley, 1983 ) . The educational investing factors are most declarative of educational advancement in the universe ‘s hapless states, where as economic growing features will outdo explicate the advancement of lower-middle income states towards the educational MDGs. Economic growing may be viewed as more important at the national degree in lower-middle income states because these states are nearer to being seen as legitimate economic spouses by industrialised states than low income states. Alternatively, educational investing factors will probab ly be more important in low income states because betterments in these in these states are more instantly perceived at the single degree than alterations in national economic growing. ( Gupta et al, 2002 ) found in his research that economic growing has been major determiner of educational advancement. This is in line with my determiner of poorness rate. As economic growing of state straight links to the public assistance of its citizens. The growing in economic system can take to educational growing if net registration rates do non lift at much faster rates than GNP per capita is recognized by Colclough & A ; Al-Samarrai ( 2000 ) in his research. This finding suggests as more kids reach the school traveling age, fewer public resources will be available to apportion to a state ‘s educational system. Therefore economic growing is linked to greater funding on instruction as more resources are available to pass on instruction. This tendency may happen for several grounds. First, as the economic system of state develops more disbursement is done on instruction, even though the entire proportion of the GNP spent on instruction lessenings ( Coclough & A ; Al-Samar rai, 2000 ) and secondly, increasing rates of economic growing mean a higher quality of life for a state ‘s citizens. As fiscal resources go more readily available at the single degree, the sensed costs of instruction may non be as great. Increasing employment rates may heighten citizens ‘ sentiments towards instruction because â€Å" drawn-out unemployment can take to disinterest in puting in farther schooling †( World Bank ; 2010 ) . However ( Mellinium developemnt ends, 2010 ) shows budgetary allotments are non sufficient plenty to implement the coveted undertakings to accomplish cosmopolitan primary instruction by 2015. Budget for instruction still remains at approximately 2 % of GDP, out of which major sum is spent on administrative issues like wages, go forthing really minimum sum to pass on new enterprises. ( Pakistan Economic Survey, 2009-2010 ) In South Asia, Pakistan falls in one of those states who contribute lowest public outgo on instruction, as a proportion of their GDP. Harmonizing to figures, Pakistan allocated to the instruction sector 2.5 % of the GDP in 2006-07, 2.47 % in 2007-08, 2.1 % in 2008-09 and 2 % in 2009-10. This factor besides straight affect the poorness rate.As if public outgo is increased, there will be more inexpensive instruction installations therefore doing hapless people accessible to basic instruction. A survey by Qureshi and Arif ( 2001 ) conducted on the Profile of Poverty in Pakistan demonstrates that poorness has been increasing drastically throughout the decennary get downing 1990s. More rural family were dragged to poverty and about a one-fourth of the urban families were besides populating below the poorness line by the terminal of 1998-99. They conclude by casting visible radiation on the fact that acquisition of instruction is one of the most important determiners of the incidence of poorness. It is imperative that instruction should be taken into history during policy preparation and execution. A really of import thought has been put frontward in the article which states that instruction can hold a positive impact of poorness relief schemes. The acquisition of an person will hold a positive consequence on his or her net incomes and productiveness and furthermore besides impact any single that interacts with the educated. ( Qureshi and Arif, 2001 ) . I have taken the literacy rate spread ( target-actual ) as my dependent variable for this survey as it is inversly relative to maximal accomplishment of primary instruction and studied the consequence of other independent variables on instruction. Despite the general premise that more support in instruction leads to accomplish higher grade of educational attainment and registration, old researches on the impact of public disbursement on instruction for bettering educational advancement is same. Gallagher ( 1993 ) claims in his work that while educational outgos positively affect registration rates, farther attending is needed to measure the quality of how public outgos are spent in instruction. The entire public instruction outgos may non be the most accurate determiner of detecting how a authorities is financially back uping its educational system, but other research indicates that educational support at the national degree can change significantly. Colclough & A ; Al-Samarrai ( 200 0 ) mentioned in his research that South Asiatic states spend a higher proportion of their entire GNP on instruction and later have higher registration rates. As entire educational outgos vary significantly based on certain national features, more research is needed to find how influential a state ‘s entire fiscal support for instruction is on enrolment rates. For case, the school-aged population in Sub-Saharan Africa is proportionally larger than the school-aged population in South Asia ( Colclough & A ; Al-Samarrai, 2000 ) bespeaking that entire instruction outgos would necessitate to be greater in these states to let for support to be likewise allocated. Additionally, in footings of educational support, the bulk of fundss are spent on instructor wages and other administrative plants ( MDG Report, 2004 & A ; MDG, Report 2010 ) , Dr PA Shami Development of instruction in Pakistan ( 2005 ) .Though public outgo on instruction is taken as variable in my arrested development theo retical account but it finally effects two of my variables completion rate and female teachers.As if there will more public outgos on instruction it will supply more resources and installations to education sectors therefore doing instruction more easy accomplishable stoping up in pupils successfully finishing their primary education.Similarly it can increase figure of female instructors in instruction sector by giving them good wage inducements. A state with a higher school-aged population will probably hold greater pupil-teacher ratios which in bend may take to a lower quality instruction. Pupil-teacher ratio is a important determiner for its possible effects on educational advancement, specifically in footings of school completion rates, though research workers are in understanding about its significance. Dr PA Shami in his paper Access and Equity in Basic instruction besides raised this issue that in Pakistan the really high student instructor ratio in most of schools particularly rural countries has worse effects on its educational advancement. As instructors can non suit to give attending to a category of 40 to 50 pupils so it aversely affects the advancement. The sum of clip a instructor can perpetrate to each pupil is reduced by big category sizes, but the gender of the instructor may besides impact how likely misss are to obtain an instruction. In many topographic points like Baluchistan, Sindh and Pakhtunistan parental attitude towards miss ‘s instruction is really conservative. This state of affairs is more intense in rural countries which cover more than 70-80 % of entire population in Pakistan. In rural countries due to hapless quality of life and less exposure and consciousness and nonreader parents both socially and academically, long distant schools and deficiency of female instructors, kids are non sent to schools and particularly misss. ( Dr P A Shami Access and equity in basic instruction 2005 ) & A ; MDG Report 2010. Consequently, misss may necessitate for female instructors to be present in order to make up one's mind that obtaining an instruction is worthwhile. Additionally, as misss tend to have less attending from teachers than male childs, a deficiency of female teachers can cut down the sum of learning clip for misss ( Benavot & A ; Gad, 2004 ) , therefore cut downing the likeliness of misss achieving an instruction. In add-on to impacting the gender para ratio, the presence of adult females in the educational system may act upon registration and completion rates. The higher engagement of adult females in the work force is frequently viewed as declarative mood of a state going modern ; more adult females in the educational system may take to higher registration and completion rates. Female instructors in schools tend to hold higher degrees of enfranchisement than their male opposite numbers. Consequently, literacy rate spread will be lower in countries with a higher per centum of female ins tructors because the female instructors are more qualified, easy traveling and trusty to learn. ( DR.P.A.Shami, 2005 ) in their survey point out insufficient and unbalanced educational substructure, high poorness rate, incompetent, untrained and non handiness of instructors, illiteracy of parents and economically weak households give rise to low completion/survival rate of primary instruction, which finally negatively consequence literacy rate spread. These factors are besides seen in ( Mellinium developemnt ends, 2010 ) . Completion survival rate is taken in my research as independent variables to measure its impact on literacy rate spread which finally targets accomplishment of Millennium-Development-Goals for primary instruction in Pakistan. ( Mellinium development ends, 2010 ) raised issue of net registration ratio and completion/ endurance rate that has besides mentioned by ( DR.P.A.Shami, 2005 ) .Though net registration ratio has increased in primary instruction to 57 % in 2009 from 42 % in 2002 but we are still dawdling behind a batch to catch 100 % by 2015. And the kids who manage to finish their primary school that is to finish surveies from class 1 to rate 5 is merely 54.6 % in 2009 which has been decreased from 57.3 % in 2002. 2.3 Discussion of assorted undertakings and programmes running in Pakistan to accomplish MDGs for primary instruction Harmonizing to Pakistan Millennium-Development-Goals Report ( Mellinium development ends, 2004 ) by the GoP ( Government of Pakistan ) , a just appraisal of the position and tendencies associating to Goal 2 is hard owing to a figure of reasons.MDG Report 2005 highlighted that major disagreements arise due to informations aggregation by different methods, the usage of different definitions of variables, and the clip slowdown between informations aggregation and publication. MDG Report 2004 states that disagreements are sometimes important, for illustration, between the National Education Management Information System ( NEMIS ) and the Pakistan Integrated Household Survey ( PIHS ) . There is greater consistence, nevertheless, in the rates of alteration implied by these beginnings every bit indicated in ( MDG Report 2005 & A ; pakistan universe tantrum for kids study, 1989 ) .The plans and undertakings introduced to accomplish the MDGs are run by different organisations and NGOs. The pl ans and undertakings running at provincial degree are independent and have no intervention from federal authorities. Therefore monitoring and rating of these plans is hard at federal degree doing the analysis of such intercessions are more complicated for research workers and policy shapers. An instruction sector reforms ( ESR ) specific programme was provided Rs732 million which was spent on the proviso of losing installations in primary and in-between schools, reconstructing and reestablisihing of scientific discipline instruction at secondary degree and constitution of polytechnic institute at territory degree ( Balochistan, Khanozi, Turbat & A ; Gilgit ) .The national instruction foundation intends to set up community schools in the state at the topographic points where primary school are non available within a approachable distance and accomplishment based literacy centres. Rs 1 billion were expanded under Canadian Debt Swap Project for capacity edifice of instructors developing establishment and preparation of instructors. Child Friendly School theoretical account ( CFS ) , which is a model for all kids to inscribe in schools and larn efficaciously has been expanded in the state to over 2700 schools. ( Pakistan Millenim development ends study, 2010 ) .In clip of na tural catastrophes like temblors and inundations UNICEF provides aid to form mass back-to-school run, being to restart choice instruction activities, encouraged to reconstruct schools and substructure, aided to better, acceleration and adapt acquisition schemes for kids who have missed schooling, female instruction and bring forthing public support to raise consciousness about importance of instruction. Further it provides aid to schools, supplying with safe H2O and sanitation. ( Goal: Achieve cosmopolitan Primary eduction ) . Schools are besides seeking to diminish the dropout rate of pupils which is about 50 % at the minute by prosecuting kids in co-curriculum activities, such as athleticss and other drama activities to develop their involvement in schools and increase the keeping rate at school. 2.4 Analysis of spreads and slowdowns The accomplishment of MDGs so far is non singular and the grounds other than one described above are besides temblors in 2004, war on panic and recent monolithic devastation in inundations 2010. Pakistan has presently net registration ratio less than 80 % , which is improbable to make 95 % by 2015.Net primary registration ratio was 52 % in 2004-5 rose to 56 % in 2006-7 and so 57 % in 2008-9.There are important fluctuations in NER among the four states.The NER is highest in Punjab with a little betterment in other states by 1 % .Gender disparity in NER is reduced. Particularly in Pakhtunkhwa it has improved by 4 % in last few old ages. Swerve towards private schooling is increasing in urban every bit good as rural countries, with primary registration increased from 18 % to 20 % in the later. There has been important diminution in completion/survival rate to rate during the last five old ages. The rate decreased from72.1 to 54.7 to 52.3 to 54.6 in 2005-6 to 2006-7 to 2007-8 to 2008-9 r espectively.But it has been improved drastically in 2010 making to 69.9 % . One of the chief grounds of intensifying this rate may be shift in the figure of pupils from public to private schools due to inaccessibility of instructors, better substructure and standard quality of tuition in public schools. Data of the public school does non demo whether pupils have left school or gone to private schools. In the last 10 old ages there is overall betterment in literacy rate with regard to single sectors of male, female, urban and rural countries. Though there is addition of 3 % points in urban countries and 1 % point in rural countries. Literacy rate is higher in urban countries 74 % compared to 48 % in rural countries in 2008-9.The single provincial literacy rates are as follows: Punjab & A ; Sindh – 59 % , Khyber- 50 % , Baluchistan – 45 % .The literacy rate 2008-9 is higher among work forces 69 % compared to adult females 45 % which is increased from 66 % and 43 % in 200 6-7 severally. ( Mellinium developemnt ends, 2010 ( Australian Aid Programme to Pakistan, 2010 ) . Social position between work forces and adult females, prophylactic usage, birthrate rates decline, the relationship between kid and maternal mortality is a good established. The most powerful givers decrease of kid mortality is the female parent of a literacy, which in itself is an instruction system to guarantee that his open uping development of the book as a free cosmopolitan entree to instruction for the hapless, including misss and boys.There should be accent on instruction among these adult females, societal position and overall wellness of kids and pregnant adult females, he made two basic characteristics that make life meaningful and free possible.The societal position of adult females through instruction, enjoyment and economic relationship between instruction and wellness chances is, hence, is to accomplish the Millennium-Development-Goals and to guarantee that the basic premiss of sustainable development. It is obvious that Pakistan lagged behind in this regard the hurtin g behind. In general, Pakistan faces multiple and interconnected jobs, with a position to accomplishing the Millennium-Development-Goals call. Some of these issues relate straight to wellness attention, while others refer to economic, societal and cultural. However, macro-political environment is besides a beginning of jobs. Pakistan history suspicious of democracy. The state was under an existent or de facto military government, history and deprived the bulk of people the cardinal freedoms. There is no sense of democracy, publicity of civic consciousness, a strong sense of human rights and freedoms will be hard if non impossible, to accomplish the Millennium-Development-Goals in Pakistan.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Life of Pi write-up Essay
Life of Pi shows that we are entering a virtual age as Pi, a selfish murderer, is portrayed as a hero throughout the movie. In the beginning of the movie, Pi is portrayed as a smart, virtuous man – there is an emphasis on his strong faith in God, his love for his family and his knowledge of animals. However, later in the movie, Pi brutally murders a hyena after his family’s ship sank and manipulates the tiger that he was left with to do whatever he pleases. Although Pi faced anxiety because he was alone on a lifeboat with a tiger and with despair from thinking that he would die, these circumstances are not to blame for Pi’s awful behavior. Pi has the freedom to make his own decisions and is able to express his emotions in whichever way he wants, making him fully responsible for the course of his actions. Once Pi is rescued, the whole world starts to see him as a hero for his survival, however they do not process all of his wrongdoings. To make matters worse, the journalists that Pi spoke with after he was rescued do not even use the first story that he shares with them – the one involving human beings – because they claimed it was too gruesome, bringing Pi to replace human beings with animals in his second story. This also represents a virtual age because it sends the idea that wrongful actions are okay when they are presented using animals rather than human beings – truly showing the selfishness and carelessness of society. In conclusion, Pi’s inhumane actions are not acknowledged by the public, and furthermore Pi is being rewarded for his wrongdoings. In Life of Pi, storyteller Pi Patel explains the firsthand account of his adventures. When his family’s zoo business fails in India, they embark on a sea voyage to begin a new life – however, one night aboard their ship in the middle of the ocean, a deadly storm hits, leaving Pi trapped in a lifeboat with several zoo animals. After several brutal incidents, including Pi murdering a hyena, Pi is then left to fend for himself in the company of a Bengal tiger. At the end of the movie, when Pi is rescued and questioned by journalists, he tells them two different stories about his journey: one involving human beings and one involving animals, leaving the journalists to publish the story involving animals. Kierkegaard’s philosophy relates to this story because even though Pi is very religious, he is aware that he is free to put his wellbeing before God. While being stuck on a lifeboat with vicious animals, Pi does whatever he can in order to survive – even if that involves taking part in murder and manipulation. Pi chooses to murder a hyena because this animal killed his mother and would eventually kill him, as well as Pi chooses to hunt fish in order for the tiger to survive and to save himself from being eaten. Pi also had to state dominance and mark his territory in the lifeboat, in order to prevent the tiger from hurting him. Pi is therefore the perfect example of putting the individual before God in Kierkegaard’s philosophy because he believes in God, yet he continues to live his own life with freedom as he makes rational decisions. Pi is also aware of the aggressiveness in his decisions, and continuously apologizes to God for all that he has done. By doing this, Pi gains strength and heals through God, as this is also a part of Kierkegaard’s philosophy.
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