Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Coming to America essays
Coming to America essays Social class in modern society is a very interesting topic to explore. There are many ways to understand concepts that describe class, but I believe the best way in doing this is by comparisons through movies. I believe one of the best movies that distinguishes social characteristics and relates social theories on class is Coming to America starring Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall. The movie is about an African prince who comes to Brooklyn in search of an American bride who will love him for who he is, rather than for his wealth and royal status. He poses as a poor bus boy in a restaurant in NY. He falls in love with his bosses daughter, but his boss is rich and thinks he is poor so he doesnt want them to become a couple. He wants her to marry some rich man from a wealthy family. This movie shows how people use SES, or socioeconomic status to make class judgments. Such as when her father believes the prince is poor, uneducated, and has no occupational prestige he thinks he is not good enough for his daughter, as soon he find out he is a wealthy prince he thinks he is the best guy in the world. At first the father would only see the prince at work, so he assumed he was of lower class, because he worked at a fast food restaurant and that is also not a prestigious job, but a prince on the other hand is a prestigious add a long, its like having dr. before your name, and if youre a prince wealth is associated along with your name. This is based on the objective approach of class. Many people also believe certain groups of people are poor like for example single mothers. Race and social class are also said to have close ties. Even though 2/3 of all poor people are white it is said the percentage of poor in minorities is disproportioned, according to Second Edition Sociology, by Linda L. Lindsey and Stephen Beech, 11 percent of whites are poor but 26.5 percent of blacks are poor. The movie also illustrates this, bu...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Explore How Budget Deficits and Economy Health Relate
Explore How Budget Deficits and Economy Health Relate There is a relationship between budget deficits and the health of the economy, but is certainly not a perfect one. There can be massive budget deficits when the economy is doing quite well, and, though somewhat less likely, surpluses are certainly possible during bad times.  This is because a deficit or surplus depends not only on the tax revenues collected (which can be thought of as proportional to economic activity) but also on the level of government purchases and transfer payments, which is determined by Congress and need not be determined by the level of economic activity. That being said, government budgets tend to go from surplus to deficit (or existing deficits become larger) as the economy goes sour. This typically happens as follows: The economy goes into recession, costing many workers their jobs, and at the same time causing corporate profits to decline. This causes less income tax revenue to flow to the government, along with less corporate income tax revenue. Occasionally the flow of income to the government will still grow, but at a slower rate than inflation, meaning that flow of tax revenue has fallen in real terms.Because many workers have lost their jobs, their dependency is increased use of government programs, such as unemployment insurance. Government spending rises as more individuals are calling on government services to help them out through tough times.  (Such spending programs are known as automatic stabilizers, since they by their very nature help stabilize economic activity and income over time.)To help push the economy out of recession and to help those who have lost their jobs, governments often create new social programs during times of recession and depression. FDRs New Deal of the 19 30s is a prime example of this. Government spending then rises, not just because of increased use of existing programs, but through the creation of new programs. Because of factor one, the government receives less money from taxpayers due to a recession, while factors two and three imply that the government spends more money than it would during better times. Money starts flowing out of the government faster than it comes in, causing the governments budget to go into deficit.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Recruitment and Staffing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Recruitment and Staffing - Essay Example One of the major ways of attracting potential employees is providing an integrated benefits scheme. Even though majority of the job applicants are keen on the amount of salaries paid, flexible benefits play a vital role of ensuring that qualified employees are attracted in an organisation. Such benefits include training, bonuses, promotion, insurance cover, holidays and inclusion of the employees in the decision making process. One of the major aspects that potential employees look for is the chance to develop (Wanous, 1992). It is worth to note that new graduates in the labor market do not only seek for employment opportunities that are in line with their skills but also they prefer companies that make them to develop. In this regard, companies should adopt part time training and postgraduate education as key ways of attracting potential employees. Another key way of attracting potential employees is through provision of adequate information that covers both the merits and demerits of the vacant jobs. This can be done through placing adverts in the newspapers and on the banners as well in the social sites. As the technology improves, companies have now embarked on creating websites where job applicants can look for vacant position and upload their resumes. In this way, a strong relationship between potential employees and employers is enhanced. Apart from undertaking a fair recruitment process, provision of rewards and other benefits are primary aspects that organisation should not overlook. In their job advertisements organisations should indicate the kind of benefits that potential employees will be exposed to. These include training, promotion, opportunities to develop, holidays, annual leave among other benefits. Additionally, companies should emulate internet as a major way of communicating with the potential employees based on the increased use of social sites especially by the young graduate seeking for employment
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Import and Export Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Import and Export - Essay Example Due to high GDP per capita income Kuwait is an attractive market for luxury and high end vehicles. Kuwait heavily depends on importing vehicles from other countries due to lack of manufacturing facilities and the value of auto imports rose to 23% during 2012 (Kuwaitstay, 1). We are focusing on exporting luxury car segment as its demand is very strong in Kuwait. In Kuwait due to high cost of production because of lack of resources and high cost of labor, manufacturing facilities for vehicles are not profitable, therefore almost all vehicles are imported from other countries (Kuwaitstay, 1). Our vehicles have great demand all over the world and in Kuwait because of high quality, engineering and economies of scale in production. 2. Logistics infrastructure elements important to our export and their significance. Infrastructure logistics elements that are important to export of luxury vehicles in Kuwait are transportation and communication facilities, public utilities, banking services a nd retail distribution channels along with presence of good quality court system, protection of intellectual property rights and standards (David and Stewart, 41). 2.1 Transportation infrastructure : Good Transportation facilities are very important because international movement of goods is highly affected by infrastructure without which shipment faces delays, merchandise gets damaged and leads to inappropriately packaged product. In case of luxury vehicles quality and time is utmost important and any delay or defect will not be tolerated by the customer and results in huge loss to the company (David and Stewart, 41). However in Kuwait transportation infrastructure is well developed with international standard airports, merchant marine and ports and terminals, well connected paved roads and good warehousing facility to store imported vehicles (CIA, 1). 2.2 Communication infrastructure : For international transactions smooth communication with customers and suppliers by different ch annels like mail, phone or digital and electronic media is crucial for smooth business transactions, sharing of information, product promotion, timely decisions and delivery of product and in different countries importance of different channels varies (David and Stewart, 62). Kuwait is a developed country with highly developed communications infrastructure. 2.3 Public Utilities infrastructure : Public Utilities infrastructure like electricity, water, sewage and gas are crucial for operating a warehouse and establishment of corporate office because lack of adequate and reliable supply of these things disrupt the functioning of business and increase the cost of operations (David and Stewart, 65). In Kuwait electricity and gas are cheap and easily available and water supplied by desalination is affordable and reliable with good sewage system. 2.4 Banking Service and Retail Distribution Channels : Banking system is critical for financial transactions and reduces the risk of internationa l business transactions and facilitates various services like options market hedging for hedging currency fluctuation risks. A well-developed retail distribution channel provides customers with product availability at convenience and proximity and helps a great deal in promoting the vehicle by store promotion and increase the point of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Effects of Computer Gaming Essay Example for Free
Effects of Computer Gaming Essay Technology nowadays has brought man to an era of digital and advanced world of computers. Not only are computers used in studies, research and work, it is now being used as part of leisure and entertainment. Most of the youth today know how computers work and even a 3 year old child who is still yet to learn how to read and write knows how to operate a simple computer. This is because the interactive element of a lot of software that computers use excites and attract children and this makes them learn to use and play with the computers. (Jones, 2002) Advancement in technology has drastically changed man’s way of living which has been made easier for most. It has come from diskette to very portable and stylish mini USB, from the ancient â€Å"three point eleven†personal computers with big and bulky monitors and CPUs to very user friendly touch screen-tablet PCs, and from limited Nintendo games like Mario brothers to a bunch of online and offline games like Dota, Counter Strike, Angry Birds, and Fruit Ninja etc. Such kind of improvements has led today’s generation to learning more of what life has to offer through the use of modern technologies like computers. Schools now facilitate teaching and learning through the use of computers. By the use of this kind of technology, learning is now more fun and a lot easier. Application of modern technology like computer-assisted teaching-learning on student’s aims to provide faster learning and ease of teaching and also provide the students of the advanced technology that they need to experience inside the classroom, and which they can apply when they are out of school. Since computer has a lot to offer to its users, it is also being used as entertainment and leisure and computer gaming being the most popular. There are lots of computer games that enhance the thinking abilities of students because of its gaming nature and environment like strategic gaming, word puzzles, etc. With this fact, learning through computer gaming helps students be more willing to study and learn more because, they are not just playing, they are also learning. The use of multimedia in education has significantly changed people’s learning processes. Results from a number of research studies indicate that appropriately designed multimedia instruction enhances students’ learning performance in science, mathematics, and literacy (Gee, 2003). Previous studies indicate that computer-assisted instruction programs have important factors that can motivate, challenge, increase curiosity and control, and promote fantasy in children (Tzeng, 1999). Despite the fact that computer and video games have the same multimedia capability as computer assisted instruction programs, their potential learning impact is often discounted by parents and educators. While computer gaming is regarded somewhat negative in educational settings, particularly for young students, re-scrutinizing of its influence in a teaching and learning context is vital since computer gaming can also be an education-assisted-program with proper implementation and application. While others confirm the negative effects of computer gaming to students’ performance in school and student’s health and mental ability, some authors argue that there are positive outcomes that a player can gain while playing computer video games. A research published in the Australasian Journal of Educational technology found that students who play computer and video games more frequently get lower grades than those who do not. However, it is also included in the research the positive effect of this activity to students as far as some specific video games are concerned which promote some elements that increases learning. On an online article entitled by Charles Pearson (2009) â€Å"Positive Effects of Computer Games on Student Achievement†, the author enumerated five positive significant effects of computer gaming to students. These include enhancing one’s problem solving capability, time and resource management, strategic life management skills, educational games promoting learning, and inherent instructional nature helps students to hone mastery skills. Playing video games needs a sharp mind and an alert reflexes because most of the games require thinking quickly to be able to achieve the games’ goal. According to a blog site on the web authored by Manali Oak (2009) which has an article entitled Positive Effects of Video Games states that since video gaming is interactive, it boosts the ability of one person to use his mind and hence, develops the thinking ability of the person playing. The author also said that video gaming is surely better than watching television as video games are interactive. In addition to what Manali Oak added that playing video games help benefit person with inferiority complex and lack of self confidence as they are experiencing sense of participation and a sense of achievement thus, building his self confidence. An excellent summary of the scant research that has been conducted is by Barlett, Anderson, and Swing (2009) on their research book Video game effects confirmed, suspected, and speculative: A review of the evidence. They reviewed the evidences for video game effects and grouped them into categories of confirmed, suspected, and speculative. By â€Å"confirmed,†the authors mean that the outcomes have received consistent empirical support for causal claims. They describe two such confirmed positive outcomes: (1) Playing video games can result in superior visual attention and (2) Video game play improves the ability to mentally rotate or arrange objects. They point out that the research shows that both violent and non-violent video games produce these positive effects. They also observed that educational video games and simulators can teach specific educational skills and knowledge such as algebra, biology, photography, computer programming, and flight training. The evidence for this connection is provided by Gee (2007) and Shaffer (2006). However, most of the games that they discuss are not commercially available. Perhaps such games will be developed and distributed more widely in the future. In the meantime, the evidence shows that video games can enhance learning if they are designed properly for that purpose. Another study tackled the good and bad effects of video games to children conducted by the Raise Smart Kids Organization. The study enumerated the positive effects of video games to children. Following instructions, problem solving and logic, hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills, resource management and logistics, multitasking, quick thinking and making fast analysis and decision, inductive reasoning and hypothesis testing are among those which enumerated by the author about the positive effects of video gaming. In addition, the article also included that video games can improve one’s decision making speed. People who played action-based video and computer games made decisions 25% faster than others without sacrificing accuracy, according to a study from the University of Rochester. Other studies suggests that most expert gamers can make choices and act on them up to six times a secondâ€â€four times faster than most people, and can pay attention to more than six things at once without getting confused, compared to only four by the average person. Surprisingly, the violent action games that often worry parents most had the strongest beneficial effect on the brain, according to cognitive neuroscientist Daphne Bavelier, who studied the effect of action games at Switzerlands University of Geneva and the University of Rochester in New York. Moving from the early years, the effects of socialization become more entrenched. In an article published in The Journal of Educational Computing, A. Colley (1994) reported that masculine gender role traits are associated with a more positive computer attitude and that there is a gender stereotype of science in general being masculine. According to Sax (2007) his book â€Å"Boys Adrift: The five factors driving the growing epidemic of unmotivated boys and underachieving young men†where he drew one fact well established by his conducted research revealed that violent video games cause aggressive behavior in the players. He argues that video games are so addictive that they satisfy the male need to power and control. It is evident in the country like the Philippines that the most popular computer games that the youth play in the computers are Dota, San Andreas, Counter Strike among others which are clearly promoting violence and aggression through its war and battle depiction. It can in effect, influence the youth as they play those kind of games which depict war, blood, killing, shooting etc. In a book by Barlett, Anderson, and Swing (2009) entitled Video Game Effects Confirmed, Suspected, and Speculative: A Review of the Evidence, it has stated that the â€Å"confirmed†negative effects of video games established by the research include aggressive thoughts and behavior, physiological arousal, and antisocial behavior. It was also explained that there are two variables that heighten the effects of computer games. One is depiction of blood, which results in higher levels of physiological arousal, aggressive feelings, and aggressive thoughts. Another is rewarding of violent acts, which also increases these effects. Since most of the computer games depicts violence, what they conceive in the monitors of their computers in the games that they are playing are somewhat becoming part of their reality. In an article on a eHow.com by Sarah Arnette (2011) entitled The Negative Effects of Computer Gaming on Students, the author enumerated four negative effects of computer gaming on students. She used the General Aggression Model (GAM) developed by Craig Anderson and Douglas Gentile in conducting the study that helped the author come up with the results. The results showed the negative effects include short term aggression, lack of problem solving thinking ability, weight gain, and anti social behaviors. It is regarded that the negative effects of playing video games does not only affect the player’s mental ability but as well as that concerning their health and socialization. Computer gaming also affects the behavior of the players and on how they relate with other people. A study by Argosy University’s Minnesota School on Professional Psychology found out that game addicts argue a lot with their teachers, fight a lot with their friends, and score lower grades than others who play video games less often. Performance in class may be negatively affected due to significant time spent in playing video games. Studies conducted by Anderson and Dill (2000) and one that was conducted by Gentile, Lynch and Walsh (2004) show that the more a person spends playing video games, the poorer is his performance in school. Computer gaming can also affect the health of the players. According to an online article entitled â€Å"the good and bad effects of video games†(2011), online gaming may also have bad effects on one’s health including obesity, video-induced seizures and postural, muscular and skeletal disorders such as tendonitis, nerve compression, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Conceptual Framework This study was based on a recent study conducted by Barlett, Anderson, and Swing (2009) and a study by the Raise Smart Kid organization which stated that there are confirmed positive and negative effects of computer gaming on studies of students who play the computer. Barlett, Anderson, and Swing stated that the â€Å"confirmed†negative effects of video games established by the research include aggressive thoughts and behavior, physiological arousal, and antisocial behavior On the other hand, Raise Smart Kid organization stated the good and bad effects of video games to. The article enumerated the positive effects of video games to children: following instructions, problem solving and logic, hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills, resource management and logistics, multitasking, quick thinking and making fast analysis and decision, inductive reasoning and hypothesis testing. Using the results of the study conducted by Barlett, Anderson, and Swing in 2009 and the study by the Raise Smart Kids Org as basis, this study aims to find out what effects do computer gaming have particularly on students of Business Administration of the College of the Immaculate Conception and enumerate both the positive and negative effects of the said activity on their studies and personal behavior.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Enochian Scripture :: essays research papers
Enochian Scripture Should Enochian Scripture and the Necronomicon be considered as a true religion, or just another offshoot of Satanism, cult? The Necronomicon is closest documented translation of the original Enochian scripture, the Necronomicon Manuscript. The Necronomicon was first translated in Damascus in 730 A.D. by Abdul Alhazred. The Necronomicon, is not, as popularly believed, a grimoire, or sorceror's spell-book; it was conceived as a history, and so "a book of things now dead and gone". An alternative derivation of the word Necronomicon gives as its meaning "the book of the customs of the dead", but again this is consistent with the book's original conception as a history, not as a work of necromancy. But the author shared with Madame Blavatsky, who has a magpie-like tendency to gather and stitch together fact, rumor, speculation, and complete balderdash, and the result is a vast and almost unreadable array of near-nonsense which bears more than a superficial resemblance to Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine". In times past the book has been referred to as "Al Azif", or "The Book of the Arab". Azif is a word the Arabs use to refer to nocturnal insects, but it is also a reference to the howling of demons. It was written in seven volumes, and is over 900 pages long in the Latin edition. Abdul Alhazred Little is known about Abdul Alhazred. What we do know about him is largely from the small amount of biographical information in the Necronomicon itself. He traveled widely, from Alexandria to the Punjab, and was well educated. He had a flair for languages, and boasts on many occasions of his ability to read and translate manuscripts which many lesser scholars could not translate. Just as Nostradamus used ritual magic to see into the future, so Alhazred used similar techniques (and an incense composed of olibanum, storax, dictamnus, opium and hashish) to clarify the past, and it is this, combined with a lack of references, which resulted in the Necronomicon being dismissed as largely worthless by historians. He is often referred to as "the mad Arab", and while he was certainly eccentric by modern standards, there is no evidence to support a claim of madness. He is better compared with figures such as the Greek philosopher Proclus (410-485 A.D.), who was completely at home in astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, and metaphysics, but was well educated in the magical techniques of theurgy to evoke Hekate to visible appearance; he was also a founder of Egyptian and Chaldean mystery religions. It is no accident that Alhazred was very familiar with the works of Proclus. What is The Necronomicon? Alhazred appears to have had access to many sources now lost, and events
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Just Some Revision Notes That I Made About Past Exams and That?
English Mock revision exam Read source 1, lifesaving with class, by Rory Stamp, from the RNLI magazine, the lifeboat. Question 1:- What do you learn about the beach article about the beach to city programme run by the RNLI? From the article we learn that that the beach to city programme is run by the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institute) and also that they do good work as a charity which very little I known about them in some places. Their aim is to ‘educate children about the dangers of the seaside and how to stay away from trouble. They teach these skills to primary school children because it is said that they are highlighted as a ‘higher risk group’ who are most likely to be unaware of what the RNLI are about. The RNLI teach kids about keeping safe in the sun. They advise to ‘slap on a sun hat, slop on sun cream’ and ‘slip on a T-shirt’ to protect themselves from the sun. Furthermore the RNLI aim to make all their lessons memorable a s well as enjoyable, they do these things by getting the kids to take part in play-acting and getting grips with equipment.Their sessions also focus on the use of public equipment (PRE), they do this by respecting and using life rings, throwing lines and emergency communication are very important to them in particular. The advice the PRE give is also aimed towards school children in London. They managed to visit 30 schools there. In the Future the RNLI education team aim to add a fourth city to the beach tour and plan to continue their work as well as adding more for the coming years.Now read source 2, the article and the picture which goes with it is called, Trapped Chilean miners: rescue drill reaches their refuge at last by David Batty. Question 2:- Explain how the headline and picture are effective and how they link to the text. Straight away we see the image of the clown because of its amazing range of colours in its outfit the affectivity of the bright coloured clown in the im age is because it draws the readers in because most people look at the image before actually reading the article.The connotations of bright colours often put forward positivity and success this may suggest that the writer is happy about something and as we read on and look at the heading it is clear to us why the writer is overjoyed, because the Chilean miners have eventually been rescued also underneath the image it explains that the purpose of the clown in the image is to celebrate with the TV reporters after a drill reaches the miners.If we look closer into the picture we also see some people behind the clown, the reader is immediately intrigued because the reader wants to know why they are there so therefore would want to read the article; which tells us that the people behind the clown were in fact â€Å"the miners relatives who have camped there†. The fact they have camped out shows their support, encouragement and they have not given up or lost hope in rescuing their l oved ones. In the heading it reads that the â€Å"trapped Chilean miners; rescue drill reaches their refuge at last†.From this we can tell that the miners have gone through a lot of struggle to get out of the mine as we read on we realise that 33 Chilean have broken through into a underground chamber and were unfortunately trapped â€Å"since august†. Furthermore in the image alongside the clown is a news reporter celebrating with the clown, this shows us that this was a relevant and important issue that had happened and it was necessary for the news to report the story to the nation so that it makes people aware and interested also.Now read Source 3, saved, which is an extract from the non-fiction book. Question 3:- Explain some of the thoughts and feelings Parrado and Canessa have whilst searching for rescue. Straight away we can tell that Parrado is a positive man who is determined and is â€Å"spurred on by curiosity†and is eager to move forward and see wha t I at the end of valley whereas his companion Canessa has given up and lost all hope when Parrado encourages him to struggle on with him but he replies that he is â€Å"tired and could not go on†.As we continue to read we know learn that there is a â€Å"roaring noise which grew louder and louder†as they continued on moving. Both of these men were struck with shear fear as â€Å"panic entered the hearts of both of them†however for Parrado the panic soon turned into curiosity as he was â€Å"impatient†to find out what lay ahead. Unfortunately for Canessa he could not keep up and the panic that he had felt increased as he saw the only other being run faster and faster away from him into what he thought was danger when he said â€Å"You’ll get yourself killed! this may be perhaps he feels less optimistic and tired so has given up in being rescued and saved. When Parrado reaches the end of the valley his face was â€Å"wet with tears of joy†because he obviously felt relieved and pleased because he may have discovered a way out. After describing the sight of the â€Å"blessed valley†as â€Å"beautiful†their whole outlook on the situation changes. Their feelings change positively and a relieved by vision they are seeing. The boys feel tired of the stress and tension that was relieved as they are exhausted and rest by the river that is there.The two men feel as if they are in paradise and feel confident that they will be saved but are aware that they still have further to go and that the road that lay before them will be rough with â€Å"boulders the size of armchairs†to overcome in their fight for survival but they are both now feeling strong and confident enough to cross the river, even if though it is carrying huge boulders down with it. Now you need to refer to source 3, saved and either source 1 or 2. You are going to compare the two texts Question 4:- You are going to compare two texts, one of which you have chosen.Compare the ways in which language is used for effect in the two texts. Give some examples and analyse what the effects are. In source 3 Parrado and Cannesa were in an exhausted state as they were searching for rescue to come along and save them. They were both in pain and misery because they had run out of hope and thought that they were the only people left on the mountain. However to their surprise they heard a â€Å"roaring noise which grew louder and louder†the use of the repetition suggest that it was an unexpected menacing sound as if it was creeping up behind them.The fact that it was a â€Å"roaring sound†just adds to the effect of the mysteriousness that it creates for the reader, a sense of anticipation to see what the sound actually was. On the other hand in source 2 the reporter creates engagement with the audience and using evocative words such as â€Å"broken through†, â€Å"underground chamber†and â€Å"strand ed†at the beginning of the article to set a tone of excitement as well as sympathy and concern. The effect this has on the reader is that it makes the reader want to continue reading.In this case both sources make the audience want to continue reading by creating using enticing techniques to grab the reader’s attention. After describing the sight of the â€Å"blessed valley†as â€Å"beautiful†their whole outlook on the situation changes. Their feelings change positively and a relieved by vision they are seeing. The boys feel tired of the stress and tension that was relieved as they are exhausted and rest by the river that is there Question 5:- write an entry for your online blog which describes a time when you felt uncertain or unsure about a situation you were in and explain how you overcame it.Blog: A regular online piece of writing. There was a time in which I was unsure about a question that was asked to me when I was in primary school. Although som e people may find it funny that I have decided to talk about this. It brings up a range of emotions I felt when I was at a young age, which to be honest, I was not quite sure of myself. I felt baffled that I was all of a sudden the centre of attention. I was never use to being the person everyone watched. It felt uneasy and out of place. As if suddenly everyone’s eyes turned in menacing eagle eyes, ready to feast on their prey if I got the answer wrong.I chose to look towards the ground to avoid any eye contact as I stood up from my position to answer. Answer? Answer what? At that moment I felt completely clueless, and lost my train of thought. At that moment I wished the ground would have opened up and taken me some place I felt safe and away from the lingering looks. â€Å"Susan? †the voice said. Snapping out of my thoughts I realised I was still in that same position I was longingly hoping to get out of. The professionally dressed woman repeated her question, this time with a little more annoyance in her voice then last time. Okay Susan, time to get serious, you’ve done this before. You know what to do†I encouraged myself. A quick and silent sign escaped from my mouth as I was about to speak. â€Å"3 multiplied by 2 is 6, miss. †As soon as the words made their way out of my mouth I wanted to grab a shield and protect myself from what was about to come. â€Å"Well done†she said finally. Are my ears deceiving me? Did I really answer the question correctly? Although my face was calm and composed. Inside I felt as if a whole load of weight had just disappeared of my shoulders. As if I had be awarded with a million pounds. Sheer relief took over my body.I felt great. Question 6:- it has been said that â€Å"people who save lives or help improve lives of others are a true role models of today†. Write an article for a news paper for a newspaper in which you argue your view about what makes a good role model. As g ood role model is some who can teach you to do go things and tell you what is right and wrong. What is a role model if they cannot teach? They come in all types of backgrounds, whether it’s through music, dance or religion. I would agree that a good role model is someone who saves lives and improves lives of others. That is a great factor of a role model.Who wouldn’t want people like that living in their community, like local heroes saving people from the negativity life offers? In addition it is those people who are able to bring happiness and joy to families as well as give them hope. Some role models inspire people do great things like themselves, like brilliant dancers inspire people to get into dancing, as they hope to achieve what their role models have achieved. On the other hand others would argue that people who have done wrong don’t deserve to be role models and no longer have the right to teach and be taught valuable lessons.They do not deserve a seco nd chance to change and prove that they are worthy of being role models. They do not have a say in what society does. What about the people who haven’t necessarily been the holiest and most pleasant people to be around in the past. Once they have done badly they are forbidden to be heroes. What are they classed as then? Villains? Is this not prejudicing? You cannot judge someone on their past. Although it may be true that they may have had some ‘dirt’ in their past but their future is still ‘spotless’.If they were to give money to charity or save a child from a burning building, would it not be appreciated? In conclusion I believe role models are people who are able to do great things and expect nothing back. They do great acts because it makes them feel better about themselves as people. A sense of achievement goes through their minds, they were able to inspire people especially people at a young age because they are the future of modern society. Th ese role models are like modern day angles sent from heaven to protect the feeble and weak.We need more role models to teach people about what to avoid in life and what to hope to achieve. We thank you and are grateful for having people like you sent to earth. English Mock revision exam paper 2 Read source 1, the online travel article called rafting on the grand canyon by Elisabeth Hyde. Question 1:- What do you learn from Elisabeth Hyde’s article about where she has been and what she has been doing? From the article we learn that Elisabeth Hyde along with her husband, 3 teenage kids and 22 other people went on a trip to the Grand Canyon in early July.She mentions that there was only two rules the guide had shouted which were â€Å"stay in the boat†and the second to â€Å"stay in the boat! †At the beginning she doesn’t seem to keen and quite scared about the trip as she says â€Å"blinking at the sign before us†¦Ã¢â‚¬ almost as if she isnâ€℠¢t looking forward to her trip. She continues to talk about what the space of the boats which she says was â€Å"the tightest packing system†she had ever seen this gives us the image that it was uncomfortable and a cramped, overcrowded space because of all the amount of gear and number of people in the â€Å"6m rafts†.She also describes the prime seats as having â€Å"great views†. Elisabeth describes the trip as a â€Å"Disneyland-like experience†which states that it was a great encounter. Although it had people â€Å"plunging down†¦ into a tough wave†and a moment after the boats shooting back up and over the crest. She describes it as a â€Å"rollercoaster ride that had people screaming with the thrill of it. †This proves that she had gotten a sense of adrenaline throughout the experience, like fear and excitement placed in a box and ready to explode at any moment.By the end of the trip Elisabeth was drenched head to toe but she c ould not have cared-less because although she wouldn’t have minded a shower at that moment she had a desire to â€Å"run away and become a river guide†. This shows us that she would have gladly gone through the rollercoaster over and over just because of how great the experience left her. Now read source 2, the article and the picture which goes with it called fearsome tyrannosaurs Rex sue may have died of a sore throat.Question 2:- Explain how the headline and picture are effective and how they link to the text. The headline and image of this article introduces the main idea of the text: that this specie of dinosaur may have potentially died from â€Å"a sore throat†In some way this is considered comical because it doesn’t seem logical that a dinosaur of that size could have potentially died from â€Å"a parasite that infects pigeons†also nicknaming this massive dinosaur â€Å"sue†makes it mocking as if comparing it to a feeble human bei ng.Furthermore straight away from the heading it reads â€Å"Fearsome†which implies that it was quite a superior and scary which makes the reader want to continue reading the article to know in full detail what happened to this dinosaur. As we read on in the article it claims that they have an accurate and complete example of this â€Å"prehistoric predator†in a field museum in Chicago. The use of the alliteration emphasises the point of it being such a phenomenal creature.As we continue on Ian explains to us that this giant â€Å"65 million-year-old†dinosaur had gone through a number of things which had left her with â€Å"broken ribs†, â€Å"torn tendons†and a â€Å"damaged shoulder†and the fact that the cause of â€Å"Sue’s†death was â€Å"far more ordinary†somehow suggests disappointment because of the largeness of this creature. In the image the dinosaur looks so huge compared to the people admiring the fossi l, as if comparing an elephant to an ant. Now read source 3, Everest the hard way, which is an extract from a non-fiction book.Question 3:- Explain which parts of Pete Boardman’s story of the return to camp 6 your find tense and exciting. Straight away the reader feels tension and hints of fear because â€Å"a decision was needed†on what their plan of action was to get back to camp 6. This draws in the reader and makes the reader want to continue reading and find out what their decision was. As we read on it tells us that the he and his fellow camp mates were going the wrong direction, as time went on they felt that their â€Å"success was turning into tragedy. The use of the superlative and comparing it to the best and worst suggest that they are feeling pessimistic and are running out of hope. As we continue reading on Pete described the avalanche that was coming â€Å"channelled, straight towards†him. The use of the adjective gives sympathy for the reader because they feel as if it is inevitable for him to free himself from the danger that is about to happen. The reader is intrigued to find out more about what happens next. He overcame this as he â€Å"smashed†his axe into the ice and hung on.The powerful and emotive language makes the reader feel obligated to read on and is putting a clear image in the readers mine. â€Å"Then it stopped. †The use of this short and snappy sentence makes tension and suspension rise to see if Pete had finally reached safety. It also creates a sense of relief for the reader because they know that he is still one piece and is excited to find out more. In the finally paragraph Pete uses captivating alliteration like †flicking it free, I tumbled over a fifteen foot rock†the continuous use of the â€Å"f†sounds like exhaustion which puts emphasis on the agony and the pain they felt at the time.Now you need to refer to source 3, Everest the hard way and either source 1 o r 2. You are going to compare the two texts Question 4:- Compare the different ways in which language is used for effect in the two texts. Give some examples and analyse what the effects are. In source 3 the writer makes use of some short and snappy sentence at the very beginning of the article when he says â€Å"a decision was needed. †which creates suspension and you are able to know what he feels which makes the reader want to continue and find out what they decide to do.Whereas in Source 1 at the very beginning she mentions that there were only two rules the guide had shouted which were â€Å"stay in the boat†and the second which was to â€Å"stay in the boat! †Although it may seem comical and ironic that the guide had repeated himself. The seriousness of the repetition may have been a warning because it is dangerous and to make sure that they follow the rules. Source 1 uses a metaphor when Elisabeth says â€Å"the grand canyon s a Disneyland-like experie nce†The use of the metaphor makes the description really effective because it helps the readers emphasise with her.This gives a sense of the thrills, excitement and the ups and downs she felt on the trip. In source 3 he tells us that the he and his fellow camp mates were going the wrong direction, as time went on they felt that their â€Å"success was turning into tragedy. †The use of the superlative and comparing it to the best and worst suggest that they are feeling pessimistic and are running out of hope. In source 1 the writer uses rhetorical question in which she says â€Å"was I scared? A little. Exhilarated? More than I have ever been. The use of this makes it seem like she is interacting with the reader as though she is answering the question that they may have for her which makes the article in itself more interesting. Source 3 does this also when he uses captivating alliteration like †flicking it free, I tumbled over a fifteen foot rock†the con tinuous use of the â€Å"f†sounds like exhaustion which puts emphasis on the agony and the pain they felt at the time, which makes the reader have sympathy for him. Question 5:- Write a brief article a website of your choice telling your readers about an interesting or unusual journey or travel experience you’ve had.Explain why it was memorable. â€Å"Take a deep breath and walk up†I whispered to myself as I was about walk up to the aircraft. I didn’t understand why I was getting so stressed over something I had done a million times over, it just didn’t seem logical. But I knew. I knew there was something wrong but I didn’t know what it was. I guess that’s just me being myself. The pilot’s voice ordering us to do as we were told as he explained to us what to do and how to behave on the plane. The beautifully tall air hostesses directing us to the nearest exits and what to do in the case of an emergency with their hands as gui des.It all seemed straight forward really, everything that I had heard before so many times it was glued to my brain. I looked out the window when the engine started running to ease my thoughts. I was so nervous; meeting my family in what seemed like centuries was going to be a shock for them and for me. With all the changes that have happened, how are they going to react? All I know is for certain things are definitely not going to be the way they were before, not after my uncle’s car accident.He was sent to intensive physiotherapy because of a car crash that he was unfortunately apart of, It is the first time the family have been shaken up so badly. Time to get off. A sigh left my mouth as if I hadn’t noticed it. My mother calling me from the top of the stairs encouraging me to come on. At the top of the stairs looking down to the ground, petrified of what I was going to see. But why? He was not dead so why was I making such a fuss? It’s just the thought of ch ange which threatened me. Standing at the bottom of he air craft looking for familiar faces like a lost child looking for its mother was what we’re doing. All we see is a group of our family members just shout our names from across the road, excitement and exhilaration rushed through my body. A tear dared to leave my eye when I saw my uncle in his crutches, because although he wasn’t in the best form he had the largest smile of his face that I had ever seen him do. From that moment I knew that all those fears I felt were empty and meaningless now and this would be one of the greatest holiday I went through.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ashaba-Ahebwa Mark on Civil Law in the Ugandan Jurisdiction Essay
The topographic point and manner of test is normally determined by type of test and proceedings. If you make an application by biddings. so you will be heard in Chambers. Procedure 1 – where suspect elects non to name grounds The Plaintiff or recommend makes an gap address referred to sometimes as an gap statement. After that the complainant informants are called. examined cross examined and re-examined. After that the complainant or his advocator amounts up the instance by doing a shutting address. After that the Defendant states their instance and makes a shutting address. Procedure 2 – Defence elects to name grounds Advocates for the complainant makes an opening statement. the complainant informants are called. examined. cross-examined and re-examined. After that the defendant’s advocate makes an opening statement. After that the defendant’s informants are called. examined. cross examined and rhenium examined. After the Plaintiff or his advocator amounts up the instance by doing the shutting address. Thereafter the suspect sums up the instance and makes a shutting address besides. The Defendant can answer to the plaintiff’s shutting. The answer merely covers new land. In instances where there are many suspects and many complainants the same process will use but if the suspects are represented individually. so the advocates will individually do their entries individually by order of visual aspect. Cross scrutiny of informant will besides follow the order in which they proceed. Co complainants will usually be represented by the same advocate. Who has the right to get down the instance? Order XVII Rule 1 The complainant or the applier has the right to get down. Of class there are certain exclusions to that right to get down. 1. Where the Defendant admits the facts alleged by the complainant but raises an expostulation on a portion of jurisprudence. In such a instance the suspect should be entitled to get down by subjecting on that portion of the jurisprudence. For illustration. say one raises a supplication of Res Judicata? In such a instance one can state that they have sued the suspect by they have raised an expostulation on the portion of the jurisprudence a and in this instance. the Defendant has the right to get down on a supplication of RESs judicata. Or the Defendant raises the supplication of restriction. they have the right to subject on that point of jurisprudence. However it is advisable that one should ever set it in the pleadings whatever supplication they intend to raise. 2. Where the Defendants admits the facts alleged by the complainant but states that the complainant is non entitled to the alleviation that they seek for illustration drawn from Seldon v. Davidson in which instance the complainant brought proceedings for recovery of a debt. In their defense mechanism the suspects admitted that they received the money from the complainant but pleaded that the money was a gift. In this instance the suspect has a right to get down. Suppose there are several issues? May be it could be many different parties and there is a difference as to who should hold the right to get down? The tribunal will direct that the party with the load of turn outing the bulk of issues shall get down. Opening Statement What should it incorporate It is normally a brief lineation of either the defendant’s or the plaintiff’s instance. normally it will province the facts merely. They will be stating the tribunal the informant that they intend to name and will be giving a prevue of what they intend to turn out. Normally this is an debut to the full test and it is of import that it is interesting. logical. credible and in a narrative signifier. Usually it is non necessary for the Judge to enter the gap addresss unless one raises a point of jurisprudence. It is of import that a note should be made in the tribunal record that an gap address was made. an gap address must non incorporate grounds. It should merely be limited to a statement of basic facts that the parties intend to turn out or trust on as defense mechanism. After you make the gap statements. you move on to scrutiny in head. Examination OF WITNESSES Examination in Chief When you call a informant there are 3 phases1. Examination in head2. Cross Examination3. Re scrutiny Examination in Chief The object of scrutiny in head is to arouse facts that are favorable to the instance of the party naming the informant. In other words the test in head is when you question your first informant. Sometimes the plaintiffs themselves. Normally they will be giving grounds that will be favorable to their instance. It is governed by two regulations ( a ) The informant can non be asked prima inquiries – these are inquiries that suggest the reply expected of that individual. For illustration you can non inquire Was your concern running into fiscal troubles last twelvemonth? You should inquire what was the fiscal place of your concern last twelvemonth? The art of cognizing whether a inquiry is taking is learnt with experience. ( B ) The scrutiny must non be conducted in an assaultive mode. Normally at cross scrutiny you can assail but you can non make that to your ain informant. If your informant turns hostile. you can inquire the tribunal to declare the informant a hostile informant a nd one time the tribunal does that. you can so assail the informant. When a informant is declared hostile ( I ) You will be allowed to impeach the creditability of that informant ; ( two ) You can inquire prima inquiries ( three ) You can inquire them inquiries that touch on their truthfulness and even their past character and old strong beliefs. ( four ) You can besides be able to analyze on certain issues by leave of the justice e. g. you can oppugn the hostile informant on statements they made antecedently which is inconsistent with their present testimony. This can assist to demo that the witne3ss is giving conflicting grounds which the tribunal is allowed to decide when they are taking the grounds into history. You must take witness statements. If they give grounds inconsistent with the statement that they signed. you can impeach their credibleness and bring forth the informant statement. CROSS EXAMINATION There are 3 purposes of cross scrutiny 1. To arouse farther facts which are favorable to the cross analyzing party ; 2. To prove and if possible dramatis personae uncertainty on the grounds given by the informant in head ; 3. To impeach the credibleness of the informant. Cross scrutiny – the range is broad one is allowed to inquire prima inquiries. inquiry a informant on old testimony. it is non restricted in any manner. A good Advocate will ne'er bury the virtuousness of courtesy. RE EXAMINATION Once you have examined your informant in head. the other side cross-examines your informant. The re scrutiny is a sort of retrieval procedure. This is when you try to mend the lesions that were opened up in cross scrutiny. Most of import. re-examination is purely restricted to affairs that arose at cross scrutiny. The tribunal besides has powers to inquire a witness inquiries for the intent of clear uping points. SUBMISSION OF NO CASE TO ANSWER The suspect may do a defense mechanism of no instance to reply after the entry by the complainant. The Judge must make up one's mind whether there is any grounds that would warrant seting the suspects on their defense mechanism. Normally if the entry of no instance to reply is non upheld. the instance continues. If the tribunal says that there is no instance to reply. that governing can be challenged on Appeal. Taking DOWN EVIDENCE Normally grounds of informants is taken orally in unfastened tribunal under the way of a Magistrate or Judge. it is usually written down in narrative signifier i. e. non inquiry and reply signifier but where there is particular ground. the grounds may be in inquiry and reply signifier. The regulation is that the tribunal may on its gesture taken down a peculiar inquiry verbatim and the reply verbatim. Where either party objects to a inquiry and the tribunal allows it. so the tribunal should enter the inquiry. the reply and the expostulation and the name of the individual raising the expostulation and if they make a opinion they must besides enter the opinion of the expostulation raised. Tact is required as you may happen that. Sometimes if you object excessively much you can annoy the Judge. Object merely for of import things. In the class of taking grounds. the tribunal may besides enter comments made by informants while under scrutiny and usually after taking down the grounds the justice will subscribe that grounds. The tribunals can besides enter comments and demeanor of a informant. PROSECUTION & A ; ADJOURNMENT OF SUITS Public policy paperss that concern of the tribunal should be conducted efficiently. It is of great importance and in the involvement of justness that action should be brought to test and finalised with minimal hold. Order XVI Rule 1 requires that hearing of instances should be on a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours footing until all informants have testified. However this is non ever possible and that is why the tribunal may recess a hearing on its ain gesture or upon application by either of the parties where good class is shown. The regulation requires that dissolutions can be granted where good cause is shown Habib V Rajput the complainant instance came up for hearing. the advocators applied for dissolution on the evidences that their client was absent for some unexplained grounds. The respondent opposed stating that his informants were already in tribunal and had come from really far off and it was bing a few thousand shillings to maintain them there per twenty-four hours. Was the plaintiff’s ground good cause to recess. The tribunal ruled that no sufficient cause was shown and the application for dissolution was dismissed. Kamil V. Merali NO STEPS TAKEN – Order XVI Rule 6 Under Rule 6. where no application has been made or stairss taken for 3 old ages by either party. the tribunal may order the suit to be dismissed but normally the application should demo do why the suit should non be dismissed. Any instance which is dismissed under Rule 6 can be instituted afresh topic to regulations of restriction. Victoria Construction Co. V. Dugall The tribunal considered the significance of stairss taken within the significance of Rule 6. the Case was filed in November 1958 and in 1960 the Applicant decided to mention the instance to an arbiter but efforts to decide the difference through arbitration failed. The affair went to kip until 1962 where the registrar asked the parties to demo cause why the suit should non be dismissed. The Plaintiff contended that the stairss to seek arbitration amounted to stairss taken. The inquiry was whether an understanding to mention the affair to arbitration was a measure taken and the tribunal held that that was non a measure taken and the instance was dismissed. In this instance. the tribunal explained 1. That one has to fulfill the tribunal that the suit is ready to continue without hold. 2. One has to fulfill the tribunal that the suspect will endure no adversity ; 3. That there has been none frequent inaction by the Plaintiff. It is advisable at the clip the instance comes up for hearing to inquire that it be stood over by and large ( SOG ) to give you clip to travel to arbitration and if you are non ready. you can ever travel back to tribunal and seek an extension. This manner there is a measure taken. Shutting Address You are stating the tribunal that you have presented your grounds. that you have proved that so and so is apt and you will besides be stating the tribunal that this is the jurisprudence and if applied to the facts of your instance so the jurisprudence should back up your supplications. You will be stating the tribunal of past determinations that support your instance. You will accommodate the facts. the jurisprudence and past determinations that support your instance. You make your instance in the shutting statements.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Make a Simple Weather Barometer
Make a Simple Weather Barometer People predicted the weather back in ye good olde days before Doppler radar and GOES satellites using simple instruments. One of the most useful instruments is a barometer, which measures air pressure or barometric pressure. You can make your own barometer using everyday materials and then try to forecast the weather yourself. Barometer Materials glass, jar, or canplastic wrapa strawrubber bandindex card or lined notebook papertapescissors Construct the Barometer Cover the top of your container with plastic wrap. You want to create an airtight seal and a smooth surface.Secure the plastic wrap with a rubber band. The most important part of making the barometer is getting a good seal around the rim of the container.Lay the straw over the top of the wrapped container so that about two-thirds of the straw is over the opening.Secure the straw with a piece of tape.Either tape an index card to the back of the container or else set up your barometer with a sheet of notebook paper behind it.Record the location of the straw on your card or paper.Over time the straw will move up and down in response to changes in air pressure. Watch the movement of the straw and record the new readings. How the Barometer Works High atmospheric pressure pushes on the plastic wrap, causing it to cave in. The plastic and the taped section of straw sink, causing the end of the straw to tilt up. When atmospheric pressure is low, the pressure of the air inside the can is higher. The plastic wrap bulges out, raising the taped end of the straw. The edge of the straw falls until it comes to rest against the rim of the container. Temperature also affects atmospheric pressure so your barometer needs a constant temperature in order to be accurate. Keep it away from a window or other places that experience temperature changes. Predicting the Weather Now that you have a barometer you can use it to help predict the weather. Weather patterns are associated with regions of high and low atmospheric pressure. Rising pressure is associated with dry, cool, and calm weather. Dropping pressure forecasts rain, wind, and storms. Quickly-rising pressure that starts from average or high pressure during fair weather indicates a low-pressure cell is approaching. You can expect the pressure to start to fall as poor weather approaches.Quickly rising pressure (over a few hours or a couple of days) after a period of low pressure means you can expect a short period of good weather.Slowly rising barometric pressure (over a week or so) indicates good weather that will stick around a while.Slowly falling pressure indicates the presence of a nearby low-pressure system. Changes in your weather are unlikely at this time.If the pressure continues to drop slowly you can expect a long period of bad (as opposed to sunny and clear) weather.A sudden drop in pressure (over a few hours) indicates an approaching storm (usually arriving within 5-6 hours). The storm probably involves wind and precipitation, but wont last long.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Quotes from Martin Van Buren
Quotes from Martin Van Buren Martin Van Buren was the eighth president of the United States having served from 1837 to 1841. Following are quotes from the man known as the Little Magician. He was president during the Panic of 1837 and blocked the admission of Texas as a state. Quote by Martin Van Buren As to the presidency, the two happiest days of my life were those of my entrance upon the office and my surrender of it. Unlike all who have preceded me, the Revolution that gave us existence as one people was achieved at the period of my birth; and whilst I contemplate with grateful reverence that memorable event, I feel that I belong to a later age and that I may not expect my countrymen to weigh my actions wi th the same kind and partial hand. Van Burens Inaugural Address March 4, 1837 The people under our system, like the king in a monarchy, never dies. On receiving from the people the sacred trust twice confided on my illustrious predecessor, and which he has discharged so faithfully and so well, I know that I can not expect to perform the arduous task with equal ability and success. Van Burens Inaugural Address March 4, 1837 It is easier to do a job right than to explain why you didnt. For myself, therefore, I desire to declare that the principle that will govern me in the high duty to which my country calls me is a strict adherence to the letter and spirit of the Constitution as it was designed by those who framed it. Van Burens Inaugural Address March 4, 1837 There is a power in public opinion in this country-and I thank God for it: for it is the most honest and best of all powers-which will not tolerate an incompetent or unworthy man to hold in his weak or wicked hands the lives and fortunes of his fellow-citizens. Stated in the Judiciary Committee on January 8, 1826.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Visionary Leadership and Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Visionary Leadership and Sustainability - Essay Example support of Sergey Brin presented a highly invented machine that organized world wide information in order to make it available and useful for the general public in the entire globe. As a result of which, the prosperity and results of business enhanced to a significant extent that amplified its profitability and brand image as compared to many others (Tehcrunch, 2013). c) According to me, Larry Page is recognized as one of the most popular leader in the entire globe as compared to others due to his ethical and honest qualities. Other than this, Larry Page is extremely crazy about innovativeness and desired to make a different perspective of internet in the entire globe. Due to which, he always desired to recruit creative and talented individual, irrespective of culture and creed so as to enhance the brand value of Google in the entire globe among others. Moreover, another remarkable aspect of Larry Page is that he always tried to communicate and coordinate among other employees of Google. Due to which, each and every person of the organization might easily communicate his requirements as well as suggestions to Larry Page that may be used for future developments. However, due to such type of democratic or participative leadership style, every individual liked and preferred him. Apart from this, I liked him also due to his supportive nature and high thinking power. He used to listen to the suggestions or ideas of the employees very vividly that enhanced his knowledge and skills. And due to his introvert nature, maximum extent of the employees, get motivated towards the assigned tasks and enhanced the brand value of Google among others (Tehcrunch, 2013). Furthermore, Larry Page is highly open-minded as well as unbiased person and offered high attention over intelligence and talent of the individual rather than caste or creed. Due to which, he became successful in enhancing the image and market share of the organization of Google that amplified its revenue and
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